Tuesday, March 23, 2010

spring cleaning

I am good at cleaning the whole house, but when it coms to my room i will do everything in my power to drag it out... and my room really needs the spring cleaning the rest of my house got..

I did some fun art projects while wasting some time

kindness jar- i want to start filling this up with the change that is on the floor of my car, in the couch, and just in random places in the house and when we get enough money in there i want to do something good for someone else, maybe buy someone a gas card ( everyone needs gas), or buy a homeless man a blanket and yummy meal, with some extra bucks to do with what he pleases, donate it, i dont know something good that will make someone else very very happy.to me when i give im actually getting more out of it, the best way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else feel better:)

my next little wasting time project i came across some balloons organizing the drawers in our living room and balloons are just so fun, when your bored you can draw on them, or pretend you are an all star volleyball player, or just kick em around. balloons are just fun. end of story. well not end of story, i blew up maybe about 10 of them and on some of them i wrote things like " be happy", " smile... it looks good on you", made a pink one in memory of my auntie.

random fun art projects that my roommate hopefully wont hate ( who am i kidding she will LUV em!)

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